


您好!可曾记得,三年前您把蹒跚的'娃娃带进xx幼儿园,是老师轻轻接过孩子的小手…当年哭鼻子的娃娃,如今已是多才多 艺的学童;三年的幼儿园生活成为孩子们最快乐的时光, 难忘的幼儿园生活即将结束,我们的心中充满了不舍,为此,我 们定于20xx年7月18日晚7:30分,在大润发名扬中庭举行 “遇见 最美时光”--xx幼儿园20xx年毕业晚会”,真诚邀请您的参加 !



2、 未经本班老师同意,请家长不得擅自带幼儿离场。

3、 观看节目过程中,不要随便走动,保持会场安静,每个节目完成时请予热烈的 掌声给孩子们鼓励。

4、 幼儿园请了专业人员进行摄影、摄像,不要走到台前,以免影响观看。

5、 保持会场环境清洁,不乱扔垃圾。

6、演出完毕,家长不要一哄而上去接小孩,以免造 成拥挤影响安全,请家长根据主持人的提示后按班级到台前接孩子,演出服请家长当晚换下后即交给节目负责老师。

毕业晚会邀请函范文 [篇2]

dear mr./ ms. :

i am writing an invitation to you to join the banquet we host for


all of my classmates feel it a great honor to have been your

students in the past three years. thanks to your patience and

devotion, we benefited a lot from your class. time flies. now, it's

time to say goodbye. despite the near departing, we would like to

invite you to have dinner with us in jinyuan at 6 o’clock on july 18th

in order to express our gratitude to you. all of us are looking

forward to this banquet with your presence. please do come.

best regards.

yours, 10 class c