
(1)、Eve, thanks so much for coming with me.谢谢你陪我来,不要客气。


(2)、Or making decisions? Hell, why should we even get out of bed in the morning?为什么还去抉择?还去生活?

(3)、It's not giving up. It's growing up.你不是应该放弃,是应该成长

(4)、Sara:If we're meant to meet again,then we'll meet again.莎拉:如果我们有缘的话,会再碰到的。





(9)、如果想要改善人生,就要忍受被人认为又笨又傻。If you want to improve,be content to be thought foolish and stupid.

(10)、My father would never cross the line like that.

(11)、当上帝关上门时,必将打开一扇窗。When God shuts a door,he opens a window.

(12)、Get out. Haven't you screwed things up enough already!




(16)、Sara:I think holding onto beliefs like that stops us doing the real the fact is, if your therapy stays on track,I think you’ll find there are many, many people out there you could easily be happy with.莎拉:迷信会搞乱我们真正的生活,事实上,如果你放开怀抱,你会发现天涯何处无芳草,何必单恋一枝花。

(17)、You realize that life isn't some elaborate stage play with directions for the actors.

