


administer medicine

参考例句:That cant about cures were never got up by sound practitioners.

那种左道旁门的医术,脚踏实地的医师是从来不屑一顾的。She brought her children into the world at a time when obstetrics was a primitive art

她生孩子的'时候,产科学还是一门原始医术。His art of healing is remarkable.

他的医术是很高明的。Relating to the healing arts;medical.

医术的与治疗方法有关的;医学的Doctor Wang was praised by his colleagues for his superb skills.

王大夫的高超医术博得同行的称赞。Bian Que young open - minded, studious, diligent study medicine.

扁鹊年轻时虚心好学,刻苦钻研医术。Why do intelligent people find quack remedies so appealing?

为什么聪明人会被江湖医术所吸引?His recovery is a tribute to the doctors' skill.

他能够康复充分说明该医师医术高超 case baffles the skill of our most experienced medical men.

这一病例使我们最有经验的医生也无法施展其医术。Hunter became a pupil to a good surgeon and learned so quickly that he was offered a job as a lecturer.


v. 给予;执行;管理

To administer or deal out.

管理;分配 Health administers to peace of mind.

健康有助于心安。He administered a shot of Nembutal.

他注射了一针宁比泰。We administered a crushing blow to the aggressors.

我们给了侵略者以毁灭性的打击。Physical exercise administers to the circulation of the Blood.


n. 药;医学;内科;巫术

v. 用药物治疗;给…用药

There is no medicine to cure a fool || There is no medicine for curing a fool

笨人无药可医Combine Chinese traditional medicine with western medicine

使中医与西医相结合。The medicine is requested to pestle into powder.

这种药要研成粉末服用。The medicine was an effective purge.

这是疗效很好的泻药。The medicine is as bitter as gall.
