


to penetrate

to see through


To pierce a disguise

识破伪装A clumsy forgery,ie one that is easy to detect

粗劣的伪造品(容易识破的) police were unable to penetrate the wiles of the cat burglar.

警方无法识破窃贼的'诡计。Not many people managed to penetrate my disguise.

没有几个人识破我的伪装。The policeman saw through his false alibi.

警察识破他不在场的伪证。This enabled us to see through their subtle scheme.

这使我们得以识破他们的诡计。I've got wise to your tricks, you won't cheat me any more

我已识破你的诡计,你再也骗不了我了。It must be the entire English army, and that the sly Russian game was detected and blocked;

必定是英军全军出击,必定是俄军的诡计已被识破而不能得逞; penetrate是什么意思:

v. 渗入,刺入,穿透;进入,跻身,潜入,渗透;洞悉

tip penetration

磁头尖插入度 The nail will not penetrate.

这枚钉子钉不进去。These are the result of the penetration of the larvae into the crypts


v. 看见,参看;遇见;接见;领会;设想;经历;处理或照看

n. 主教或大主教的辖区、职务或管辖权

This is positive, you see? This is affirmative, you See? This is final, you see?

这是明确的,你懂吗?这是肯定的,你懂吗?这是不容更改的,你懂吗?On seeing us, they hastened over.

他们看到我们,赶紧走了过来。 See to it personally, Commander.


prep. 通过,穿过,凭借,由于,从始至终,遍及,完成、耗尽,不顾,贯穿

adv. 直达,从头至尾,电话接通

adj. 直达的,完成的、结束的,电话接通的

Have you got through?

电话接通了吗? To foretell through or as if through the art of divination.

占卜,预言通过或似通过占卜术预言Lasting or active through the year or through many years.
