




Headline: A term used in journalism to mean a line or lines of types at the top of a page or a piece of text.

新闻标题:报纸编辑常用名词,指页首或一段文字上端的单行或多行字句。To pile up words and phrases in writing

堆砌字句 I can only quote profane writers.

我只能引用教外作家的字句。 Over score: A line printed over character or words. Also called Strike-through, Strike-out

删划线:加在字或字句上的横线。They must discard dogmatism and not confine themselves to ready-made phrases in books.

他们必须抛弃教条主义,必须不停止在现成书本的字句上。 You had better cross out all the needless words in your composition.

你最好把你作文中一切不必要的字句都划掉。And I was a civil, pious boy, and could rattle off my catechism that fast, as you couldn't tell one word from another.

我也曾是个懂礼貌、信上帝的孩子,背起教义来流利得你都分不清字句。They acted as a judge would, who should adhere to the lifeless letter of law, and reject the spirit.

这些评论家的作法一如死抠法律字句而不去领会其精神的法官At every tender word in that letter, so full of romantic and trustful passion, her heart smote her

信中每一行温情的字句都充满着信任和浪漫的热情,深深地打动了她的心。King’s writings regularly cribbed exact words or concepts from other people’s work without proper attribution


n. [phrase] 的复数形式;短语,词组,措辞

It contained oaths and slang phrases.

起中有咒骂,也有黑话。a defamatory or abusive word or phrase.

污蔑的或辱骂的词或词组。 There are dozens of words and phrases underlined.

有许多单词和短语的下面划了线。 This phrase is labelled as an Americanism in the dictionary.

这本词典把这个短语称为美国特有的语言现象。Bart was pleased by the felicitousness of the phrasing.