


hand towel


The handkerchief itself.

有耶稣面像的手巾The fighter's trainer finally threw in the sponge(or towel).

教练员最后把手巾扔在地上(放弃比赛)。Tom had no handkerchief, and he looked upon boys who had, as snobs

汤姆没有手巾,他认为有手巾的孩子们都是些装阔气的势利鬼。The hotel 's sheet and towel are sent to the laundry every day .

饭店的`床单和手巾每天都送到洗衣房清洗。A large blue handkerchief, such as the nvalides use, was folded into a fichu, and concealed her figure clumsily

一条对角折的粗蓝布大手巾,就是伤兵们用来擤鼻涕的那种大手巾,遮去了她的腰。Hillsden damped a hand towel and laid it across her forehead.

希尔斯登沾湿了一条手巾,将它敷在她的额头上。black-eyed gipsy girls, hooded in showy handkerchiefs, sallied forth to tell fortunes

眼睛的吉卜赛姑娘,用华丽的手巾包着头,突然地闯了进来替人算命。A large handkerchief of brightly colored silk or cotton,often worn as a turban.


n. 毛巾,手巾;纸巾

v. 用毛巾擦

cotton terry toweling

水结毛巾布 The maid towelled the child dry.

女佣用毛巾把孩子的身体拭干。She toweled her face clean

她擦干净她的脸He towelled his wet hair.

他用毛巾擦干湿发。Have you put out clean towels for the guest.
