
1. 你最喜欢的颜色?


What color do you like best?

2. 如何与同学相处?

How do you get along with your classmates?

3. 如何描述一头大象?

How do you describe an elephant?

4. 当你伤心有麻烦时,向谁寻求帮助?

When you’re sad or in trouble, whom would you like to talk to?

5. 谈谈自己的'作业。

Talk about your homework.

6. 谈谈自愿者问题。

Talk about volunteer.

7. 下个生日,你想要什么礼物?

What kind of gift do you want for your next birthday?

8. 谈谈手机的问题。

Talk about mobile phones.

9. 你更喜欢哪一个,在家看DVD/在影院看电影?

Which do you prefer, watching DVDs at home or seeing movies in the cinema?

10. 你喜欢旅行时坐飞机还是乘火车?

Do you prefer traveling by air or train?

11. 你最喜欢的动物

What’s your favorite animal?

12. 你最害怕的动物?

What kind of animals are you afraid of?

13. 如何把教室打扫干净?

How do you clean your classroom?

14. 喜欢旅游吗?

Do you like traveling?

15. 想去迪斯尼吗?

Are you interested in going to Disneyland?

16. 喜欢摄影吗?

Do you like taking photos?

17. 你如何庆祝自己的生日?

How would you like to celebrate your birthday?

18. 向外宾介绍上海

Introduce Shanghai to foreigners.

19. 你最喜欢的哪种类型的老师

What kind of teachers do you like best?

20. 你最喜欢的歌曲是什么?

What’s your favorite song?

21. 为什么要认真把英语学好?

Why do you study English hard?