



中文摘要:本文通过研究大量文献资料,从俱乐部管理及品牌化经营等方面综合分析曼彻斯特联足球俱乐部成为全球第一品牌价值俱乐部的因素。在对比曼彻斯特联足球俱乐部成功因素的基础上,简要分析中国足球俱乐部的现状及存在的问题,并为中国足球俱乐部的发展及品牌创建提出若干建议。 关键词:曼联,足球俱乐部,经营管理,营销,品牌

Brief Analysis on the Operation Management of Manchester United and it’s

Inspiration to the Football Club in China

Abstract:From the study of documents and materials,this article analyzes the factors which make Manchester United to be the first club brand from management、branding operation and so on.Make some brief analyses on the current situation and existing problems of football club in China and give them some proposals based on the comparison of Manchester United.

Key words:Manchester United;Football Club;Operation Management;Marketing;Brand


足球作为“世界第一运动”,越来越受到人们的喜爱, 时至今日,它本身已不仅仅是一项竞技体育项目, 更发展成为新兴的足球产业,职业足球俱乐部则是足球产业中的主导力量。在中国,足球俱乐部虽然发展迅速,但经营效果一直不理想,无论是技战术水平还是俱乐部的商业运作,都与欧洲的足球俱乐部存在很大差距。而作为全球最受球迷欢迎的足球俱乐部之一, 经过多年的运作, 曼彻斯特联队(MANCHESTER UNITED,以下简称“曼联”)已成为全球著名的品牌和全球最富有的体育俱乐部之一,品牌价值列在世界各大俱乐部之首,成为全球俱乐部经营的典范,其经营管理模式值得研究与借鉴。本文对比分析了曼联及中国足球俱乐部的经营管理情况,从中得出曼联的成功经验及中国足球俱乐部存在的不足,从而得出启示及建议,为中国足球俱乐部的发展提供参考意见。









曼联成立于1878年,1902年正式更名为曼彻斯特联队,100多年来,曼联一直沿用此俱乐部名称,因此曼联是古老而又广为人知。1958年,悲惨的“慕尼黑空难”让世界知道了曼联,很多人因同情曼联的遭遇而成为曼联球迷;空难后重建的曼联凭借不屈不挠的精神,不断取得辉煌的成绩,让世界更多的人喜欢上曼联,为曼联品牌的建立奠定了基础。1991年曼联成立公共公司后,积极塑造全球品牌,刻意淡化“足球”二字,把“FOOTBALL CLUB”字样从曼联的队徽去除,更强调广义上的“曼联”,而非“曼联足球俱乐部”,目的是增加品牌外延和想象空间。因球队实力超群,队服为红色,曼联被称为足球场上的“红魔(RED DEVILS)”,“红魔”曼联的名头随着曼联在1999年夺得“三冠王”和2008年夺得“双冠王”而响彻世界,令曼联在国际化进程中的影响力进一步扩展。随着足球运动的普及,曼联的世界影响变得越来越大,无形中将曼联的品牌价值提高了很多。


1991年,曼联成立了股份制有限公司——曼联集团(MANCHESTER UNITED PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY),曼联集团由曼联足球俱乐部、曼联商业公司、曼联餐饮公司及曼联电视台四家子公司组成。曼联集团下设董事会,对集团全球范围的运作进行监督和管理;由董事会任命的首席执行官负责下属子公司的日常运作

虽然曼联在2005年被马尔科姆·埃尔温·格雷泽(MALCOLM IRVING GLAZER)收购后成为了私人产业,但曼联集团仍按照以往的模式进行运作,并没有在管理上作出太大改变。曼联足球俱乐部作为曼联集团的子公司,在另三家子公司的财政支持下,不断招兵买马增强实力,全力把曼联足球队打造为顶级强队。作为回报,曼联足球队在赛场上不断取得出色的成绩,屡夺冠军,为扩大曼联品牌的影响力作出重要贡献,有利于另三家子公司持续在全球扩大经营规模。另外,曼联十分重视招聘有营销技能的职员,在为曼联工作的500多名员工中,直接为球队工作的只有50人左右,其他员工则与世界上任何一家商业公司员工的任务一样:围绕“ 曼联”这个足球圈里最值钱的品牌做各种生意。




老特拉福德(OLD TRAFFORD)是曼联的主场,经过多次扩建,球场目前的容量为76212个座席。门票销售是曼联的一大支柱收入。统计数据显示,曼联每个赛季约有35场主场比赛,场均上座率达99%,一场主场比赛各种收入的总和约有350万英镑,以07-08赛季计算,曼联从30多场英超联赛、欧洲冠军联赛、足总杯、联赛杯及友谊赛的主场比赛中获得了创世界纪录的1.015亿英镑,约占俱乐部收入的33%。 曼联把老特拉福德建成了一座多功能球场。老特拉福球场经营着3个纪念品商场,销售的都是经曼联官方授权的商品,除了球员的球衣和照片,还有各种各样带有曼联标志的生活用品。除商场外,球场还配备了可供2000人同时进餐的大餐厅以及著名的“红魔酒吧”和“红魔咖啡厅”;在西看台下,曼联建成了一个能容纳400人的国际标准礼堂,专门用做举办宴会、婚礼、会试等,与礼堂相结合,球场餐厅和咖啡馆等在没有比赛的日子,可以用作宴会、婚礼或会议的举行场所。为了充分利用球场空间,曼联还建起了英国第一家俱乐部博物馆,博物馆日平均参观者人数高达1000人。







曼联球衣的胸前广告意味着什么?答案就是知名度和商机。曼联得到全球关注,也让球队成了一个极好的宣传平台。曼联与NIKE(耐克)公司签有为期13年共计3.33亿英镑的长期球衣赞助合同,根据成绩还有额外的奖金分红。与AIG(美国国际集团)签订的为期4年、总价值5650万英镑的球衣胸前广告合同至2010年6月期满,SAUDI TELECOM(沙特电信)有望成为曼联新的主赞助商,而赞助合同金额则高达5年1.25亿英镑;中国研祥集团(INSIDE)、SAHARA(萨哈拉集团)及MALAYSIA AIRLINES(马来西亚航空)也有意竞逐曼联的胸前广告位,价码对比AIG也只高不低。此外,曼联与BUDWEISER(百威)、AUDI(奥迪)、PEPSI(百事可乐)、HUBLOT(恒宝)等也签订了赞助合同,曼联每年可从这些赞助商处获得上千万英镑的收益。


曼联营销品牌的哲学是“ 让曼联深入球迷”。曼联充分利用各种优势树立品牌,不断开发市场,实行全球化经营战略。曼联以足球产品为中心的商业开发,一方面为集团增加了收入,另一方面也为曼联品牌进一步进行了推广。基于曼联品牌巨大的商业价值,曼联集团创立了一系列曼联品牌服务,包括MU FINANCE(曼联金融)、MU MOBILE(曼联通讯)、MUTV(曼联电视台)、(曼联官网)、MU PICTURES(曼联广告)、MU INTERACTIVE(曼联互动)等,把曼联品牌效应及价值潜力发挥得淋漓尽致。




曼联作为国际著名品牌,不仅仅依靠赛场成绩和商业运作,参与社会公益活动也是其品牌战略的一个重要组成部分。曼联主动履行社会责任,承担社会义务,通过保护环境、帮助弱势群体等多方面的活动来提升自身的企业形象。如与联合国儿童基金会和联合国儿童慈善机构合作,帮助全世界的贫困儿童;组织“反种族日比赛” “世界读书日”等公益活动;支持贫困、失业及弱势群体等等。一系列的活动使曼联良好形象深入人心,也吸引了更多的球迷。



足球俱乐部的核心业务是足球比赛,球队在赛场上的表现是决定俱乐部命运的关键,曼联自然深谙其中的道理。主教练ALEX FERGUSON(亚历克斯弗格森)表示:“优异的成绩是我们永远不会放弃的曼联价值的直接产物。曼联首先是一支出色的球队,竞技水平是一切的核心、是决定因素。”为了确保球队的竞技水平,曼联舍得并懂得在转会市场上花钱买进实力型球员,增强球队的竞争力。通过务实的转会策略和完善的青训系统,球队新老球员结合,既有经验又有冲劲,既保留了传统的力量型打法,又融入了南美技术特点, 使球队打法更具攻击性和观赏性。
















虽然很多俱乐部建立了二、三、四线后备梯队队伍,甚至还建立了足球学校,但大多数俱乐部管理层急功近利,忽视后备人才培养,不愿投入在花费大、时间长、见效慢的青少年球员培养工作, 大部分俱乐部优秀年轻球员奇缺,造成球队队员老化,青黄不接,基础不稳定,技战术打法陈旧, 毫无竞争性和观赏性,发展有着很强的滞后性。





The Glorious History of Manchester United Football Club Manchester United Football Club is an English professional football club, based in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, that plays in the Premier League. Founded as Newton Heath LYR Football Club in 1878, the club changed its name to Manchester United in 1902 and moved to Old Trafford in 1910.

Early years (1878–1945)

Manchester United was formed in 1878 as Newton Heath LYR Football Club by the Carriage and Wagon department of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway depot at Newton Heath. The team initially played games against other departments and rail companies, but on 20 November 1880, they competed in their first recorded match; wearing the colours of the railway company – green and gold – they were defeated 6–0 by Bolton Wanderers' reserve team. By 1888, the club had become a founding member of The Combination, a regional football league. However, following the league's dissolution after just one season, Newton Heath joined the newly formed Football Alliance, which ran for three seasons before being merged with the Football League. This resulted in the club starting the 1892–93 season in the First Division, by which time it had become independent of the rail company and dropped the "LYR" from its name. After just two seasons, the club was relegated to the Second Division

In January 1902, with debts of £2,670 – equivalent to £210,000 as of 2011– the club was served with a winding-up order. Captain Harry Stafford found four local businessmen, including John Hey Davies (who became club president), each willing to invest £500 in return for a direct interest in running the club and who subsequently changed the name; on 24 April 1902, Manchester United was officially born. Under Ernest Mangnall, who assumed managerial duties in 1903, the team finished as Second Division runners-up in 1906 and secured promotion to the First Division, which they won in 1908 – the club's first league title. The following season began with victory in the first ever Charity Shield and ended with the club's first FA Cup title. Manchester United won the First Division for the second time in 1911, but at the end of the following season, Mangnall left the club to join Manchester City

In 1922, three years after the resumption of football following the First World War, the club was relegated to the Second Division, where it remained until regaining promotion in 1925. Relegated again in 1931, Manchester United became a yo-yo club, achieving its all-time lowest position of 20th place in the Second Division in 1934. Following the death of the club's principal benefactor, J. H. Davies, in October 1927, the club's finances deteriorated to the extent that Manchester United would likely have gone bankrupt had it not been for James W. Gibson, who, in December 1931, invested £2,000 and assumed control of the the 1938–39 season, the last year of football before the Second World War, the club finished 14th in the First Division.

Busby years (1945–1969)

In October 1945, the impending resumption of football led to the managerial appointment of Matt Busby, who demanded an unprecedented level of control over team selection, player transfers and training sessions. Busby led the team to second-place league finishes in 1947, 1948 and 1949, and to FA Cup victory in 1948. In 1952, the club won th

e First Division, its first league title for 41

years. With an average age of 22, the media labelled the back-to-back title winning side of 1956 "the Busby Babes", a testament to Busby's faith in his youth players In 1957, Manchester United became the first English team to compete in the European Cup, despite objections from The Football League, who had denied Chelsea the same opportunity the previous season. En route to the semi-final, which they lost to Real Madrid, the team recorded a 10–0 victory over Belgian champions Anderlecht, which remains the club's biggest victory on record.

The following season, on the way home from a European Cup quarter-final victory against Red Star Belgrade, the aircraft carrying the Manchester United players, officials and journalists crashed while attempting to take off after refuelling in Munich, Germany. The Munich air disaster of 6 February 1958 claimed 23 lives, including those of eight players – Geoff Bent, Roger Byrne, Eddie Colman, Duncan Edwards, Mark Jones, David Pegg, Tommy Taylor and Billy Whelan – and injured several more.

Reserve team manager Jimmy Murphy took over as manager while Busby recovered from his injuries and the club's makeshift side reached the FA Cup final, which they lost to Bolton Wanderers. In recognition of the team's tragedy, UEFA invited the club to compete in the 1958–59 European Cup alongside eventual League champions Wolverhampton Wanderers. Despite approval from the FA, the Football League determined that the club should not enter the competition, since it had not qualified. Busby rebuilt the team through the 1960s by signing players such as Denis Law and Pat Crerand, who combined with the next generation of youth players – including George Best – to win the FA Cup in 1963. The following season, they finished second in the league, then won the title in 1965 and 1967. In 1968, Manchester United became the first English (and second British) club to win the European Cup, beating Benfica 4–1 in the final with a team that contained three European Footballers of the Year: Bobby Charlton, Denis Law and George Best. Matt Busby resigned as manager in 1969 and was replaced by the reserve team coach, former Manchester United player Wilf McGuinness.


Following an eighth-place finish in the 1969–70 season and a poor start to the 1970–71 season, Busby was persuaded to temporarily resume managerial duties, and McGuinness returned to his position as reserve team coach. In June 1971, Frank O'Farrell was appointed as manager, but lasted less than 18 months before being replaced by Tommy Docherty in December 1972. Docherty saved Manchester United from relegation that season, only to see them relegated in 1974; by that time the trio of Best, Law, and Charlton had left the club. The team won promotion at the first attempt and reached the FA Cup final in 1976, but were beaten by Southampton. They reached the final again in 1977, beating Liverpool 2–1. Docherty was dismissed shortly afterwards, following the revelation of his affair with the club physiotherapist's wife.

Dave Sexton replaced Docherty as manager in the summer of 1977. Despite major signings, including Joe Jordan, Gordon McQueen, Gary Bailey, and Ray Wilkins, the team failed to achieve any significant results; they finished in the top two in 1979–80 and lost to Arsenal in the 1979 FA Cup Final. Sexton was dismissed in 1981, even though the team won the last seven games under his direction. He was replaced by Ron Atkinson, who immediately broke the British record transfer fee to sign Bryan Robson from West Bromwich Albion. Under Atkinson, Manchester United won the FA Cup twice in three years – in 1983 and 1985. In 1985–86, after 13 wins and two draws in its first 15 matches, the club was favourite to win the league, but finished in fourth

place. The following season, with the club in danger of relegation by November, Atkinson was dismissed.

Ferguson years (1986–present)

Alex Ferguson and his assistant Archie Knox arrived from Aberdeen on the day of Atkinson's dismissal, and guided the club to an 11th-place finish in the league. Despite a second-place finish in 1987–88, the club was back in 11th place the following season. Reportedly on the verge of being dismissed, victory over Crystal Palace in the 1990 FA Cup Final replay (after a 3–3 draw) saved Ferguson's career. The following season, Manchester United claimed its first Cup Winners' Cup title and competed in the 1991 UEFA Super Cup, beating European Cup holders Red Star Belgrade 1–0 in the final at Old Trafford. A second consecutive League Cup final appearance followed in 1992, in which the team beat Nottingham Forest 1–0 at Wembley. In 1993, the club won its first league title since 1967, and a year later, for the first time since 1957, it won a second consecutive title – alongside the FA Cup – to complete the first "Double" in the club's history. Ryan Giggs is the most decorated player in English football history.

Manchester United's 1998–99 season was the most successful in English club football history as they became the first team to win the Premier League, FA Cup and UEFA Champions League – "The Treble" – in the same season. Losing 1–0 going into injury time in the 1999 UEFA Champions League Final, Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskjr scored late goals to claim a dramatic victory over Bayern Munich, in what is considered one of the greatest comebacks of all time. The club also won the Intercontinental Cup after beating Palmeiras 1–0 in Tokyo. Ferguson was subsequently knighted for his services to football.

In 2000, Manchester United competed in the inaugural FIFA Club World Championship in Brazil, and won the league again in the 1999–2000 and 2000–01 seasons. The team finished as runners-up in 2001–02, before regaining the title in 2002–03. They won the 2003–04 FA Cup, beating Millwall 3–0 in the final at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff. In the 2005–06 season, Manchester United failed to qualify for the knockout phase of the UEFA Champions League for the first time in over a decade, but recovered to secure a second-place league finish and victory over Wigan Athletic in the 2006 Football League Cup Final. The club regained the Premier League in the 2006–07 and 2007–08 seasons, and completed the European double by beating Chelsea 6–5 on penalties in the 2008 UEFA Champions League Final in Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium. Ryan Giggs made a record 759th appearance for the club in this game, overtaking previous record holder Bobby Charlton. In December 2008, the club won the 2008 FIFA Club World Cup and followed this with the 2008–09 Football League Cup, and its third successive Premier League title. That summer, Cristiano Ronaldo was sold to Real Madrid for a world record £80 million. In 2010, Manchester United defeated Aston Villa 2–1 at Wembley to retain the League Cup, its first successful defence of a knockout cup competition.

After finishing as runner-up to Chelsea in the 2009–10 season, United achieved a record 19th league title in 2010–11, securing the championship with a 1–1 away draw against Blackburn Rovers on 14 May 2011. At the start of the following season, Premier League champions United faced FA Cup winners Manchester City in the 2011 Community Shield, United won the match 3–2 to secure their 19th Shield.