


wield (power, etc.)


Upon the President's death, the Vice-president took the state's helm.

总统去世,副总统执掌了国家权力。In its quiet way, mass advertising has been deadly and inexorable

大宗广告暗中执掌着生杀大权,并且是毫不留情的`。He has been at the helm of Lonrho for 31 years.

他执掌伦罗公司已达31年。Not one of all the purple Host who took the Flag today can tell the definition so clear of Victory.

如今执掌着大旗的紫袍华衮的诸公,谁也说不清胜利的确切含义。Rev.5:10 And have made them a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign on the earth.

启五10又叫他们成为国度,作祭司,归与我们的神;他们要在地上执掌王权。 wield是什么意思:

v. 使用;行使;对付,处理

To wield,wave,or exhibit dramatically.

挥舞,舞动引人注目地挥舞、摇曳或展现Wield an axe,a sword,a tennis racket

使用斧头、剑、网球拍 wave; to wield; 2.a sweep

挥动 power是什么意思:

n. 力量;动力;能力;权力;大国;机能;体力

v. 给…提供动力

smoothing power

修匀功效 These drugs are powerful.

这些药物很有效。Applications of Power Electronics Technique in Power System


abbr. (= et cetera) 及其他,等等

Put(beads,etc)on a thread,etc

将(珠子等)穿在线等上(of cheeks,etc)hollow as a result of hunger,illness,etc

(指面颊等)(因饥饿、疾病等)凹陷的(of people,behaviour,etc)displaying selfishness,meanness,etc
