


to claim

to state

to proclaim

to assert


claim kindred with sb.

声称与某人有亲戚关系A professed opponent of free trade

公开声称反对自由贸易的人They're claiming that he's not guilty but that's just a snow job.

他们声称他无罪,那只不过是遮人耳目而已 continue to maintain his technical innocence of any indictable offence.

他仍然声称自己从严格的法律意义上说并未犯有任何可以起诉的罪行。For the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.

因为声称目击这只美洲狮的人们所描述的情况竟出奇的相似。He is a perspicacious skeptic who makes no claim to be able to explain the world

他是一个怀疑者和洞察者,而并不声称他的解释世界。The boy claims that he can eat a whole jar of jam at breakfast.

这男孩声称他一顿早饭能吃掉整整一罐果酱。And this in a society which John Major claims he wants to make "classless"!

这一情况将发生在约翰·梅杰声称他要创造的“无阶级”社会之中!Amy said she had already bought a luxury-gold-colored iphone.

艾米声称自己已经买到了土豪金的苹果手机。Amulius was maddened with rage, but Rhea protested that it was the god Mars who was responsible for her pregnancy



v. (提出)要求;声称;断言;需要;索取;认领

n. 要求;索赔;值得;声称;断言

advance (=put forward) a claim

提出要求 His claim to ownership is invalid.

他的所有权是无效的。They will enter a claim for this accident.



n. 国家,政府;州,邦;情形,状态;心情

adj. 国家的,政府的.,州的;正式的,礼仪上的

v. 声明,陈述,说明;确定,规定

Each state of the United States has a capital.

美国每一个州都有一个首府。The combination of the 50 states forms the United States of America.

十个州结为一体组成了美利坚合众国。 The judge of a probate court in some states of the United States.



v. 宣告;声明;表明

He proclaimed Charles his heir.

他宣布查尔斯为他的继承人。The certainties proclaimed by Newton mechanics are illusory

由牛顿力学所表明的确定性是一种错误。He was impelled to proclaim his doctrine.
