


tless; flawless; unexceptionable


Her composition is flawless.

她的作文完美无瑕。Her composition is flawless.

她的作文完美无瑕。Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man.

博览群书使人完美无瑕,冥思苦想让人深刻精邃,论证阐述让人头脑清晰。A clear, perfect diamond is worth trying to do so.

一个完美无瑕的钻石值得你这么做。She was rare, a perfect creation, a work of purest art.

她是千载难逢、完美无瑕的创作,是最为地道艺术杰作。Faultless he was in form and feature, and he had no blemish save his white hair.

他体型面貌完美无瑕,除了白头发,没有缺陷。You need video tape so technologically advanced that it can keep your picture perfect even after hundreds of replays.


  adj. 完美的,无瑕的

He displayed a flawless technique in the competition.

他在竞赛中显示出了精湛的技艺。She attributed her flawless complexion to the moisturiser she used.

她将自己无瑕的'肌肤归功于所使用的保湿霜。The politician worked the comedian worked the room with flawless rhythm.


  a. 无懈可击的,极好的,完全的

Her unexceptionable behaviour,conduct,etc

她那无可指摘的行为、品行等te, law-abiding, unexceptionable

规规矩矩Mrs. Renfrew, the colonel's widow, was not only unexceptionable in point of breeding, but also interesting on the ground of her complaint
