


real situation

the truth


Every trace expressing true love

丝丝真情dinkum oil

真情实况,真相You can't bring out the truth by extortion of confession.

你用逼供是不可能获得真情的。A few confusing questions tripped up the suspect.

几个棘手的问题使嫌犯泄漏了真情。The judge had to sift out the truth from the conflicting testimony of the two parties.

法官必须从双方相互矛盾的`证词中分离出真情。It is felt that distinctness and energy may have weight in recommending the most solid truths.

传播最可靠的真情时,清晰的言词和饱满的精神能起很重要的作用。Every trace expressing the true love

丝丝真情Love will find a way

真情所至,金石为开Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends

患难见真情 love shows itself in time of need


adj. 真实的;实际的;实数的

n. 里亚尔

Are they real, or fake?

它们是真的吗? 还是假的?That is a real twister.

那真是个难题。This is a real macho!


n. 情况;状况;局面;处境,境遇;位置;地点

appreciation [of situation]

判断〔局势〕 mercurial situation

易变的形势 a survey of the situation, subject

对情况、 问题的概括论述 truth是什么意思:

n. 真实情况,真相;真实性;真理;诚实;实质

Truth will prevail

真理必胜An analytic truth.

逻辑上必然的真理。Such pretentiousness cannot reflect truth but is an obstacle to truth