


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a campaign speech in support of your election to the post of chairman of the student union. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 你认为自己具备了什么条件(能力、性格、爱好等)可以胜任学生会主席的工作

2. 如果当选,你将为本校同学做写什么

应当说,这个作文题目出得挺新、挺奇,恐怕培训老师也难以料想到会考竞选演讲词(相信不少老师和学生还在孜孜矻矻地讲练着书信作文呢)!那么,要写好英文演讲词应注意那些呢?笔者结合自己的教学经验,总结了写好英文竞选演讲词的七大原则。为便于记忆,把它编成口决:开门见山说自己,直奔客套话竞选,陈述自我一二三, 主观评论宜加上,当选打算不可少,期待投票是老套,表态感谢也重要。以下就是按照上述口诀写成的范文:

A Campaign Speech

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,

My name is × ×. I am from English department.(开门见山说自己)I am greatly honored to have such a golden opportunity to run for chairman of the student union.(直奔客套话竞选)

I think I am the right candidate for the post, because I have the ma-ki-ng of a competent chairman. First of all, I like communicating with different people and also find much delight in dealing with people. I know pretty well about how to organize programs effectively and how to manage an organization efficiently.(陈述自我一) These personal qualities, I am sure, will surely qualify myself for the job in the student union and distinguish me from other candidates as well.(主观评论宜加上)Secondly, I am optimistic, enterprising and extroverted by nature. (陈述自我二) With such a good character, I believe I can rise up to any challenge ahead of me and will never lose heart in time of adversity. Meanwhile, with such a nice character, I believe I can get along well with my colleagues.(主观评论宜加上) Thirdly, I have a wide variety of hobbies, such as public speaking, writing for magazines and reading books on management,(陈述自我三)all of which ,I firmly believe, enables me to perform brilliantly in my future work. You can easily imagine that I may come up with as many good ideas as possible to host activities. (主观评论宜加上)

My dear friend, if I am luckily enough to be the chairman, I will serve everyone with heart and soul. On the one hand, I will recruit some capable students to build up an efficient working team. On the other hand, we will carry out many worthwhile activities to enrich the campus life, such as academic lectures, sports contests and speech conests.(当选打算不可少)

My dear friend, it’s time for you to cast a wise vote. Please don’t hesitate to vote for me,(期待投票是老套) because you have known me quite well and I will exert myself to live up to your expectation.( 表态感谢也重要)Thank you.

从该演讲词中看出,作者开头先做了个简单的自我介绍(姓名和所读院系),然后直奔主题---参加学生会主席一职的竞选,并表示客套(be honored to )。接着,第二段紧扣提纲,介绍自己可以胜任学生会主席的工作的原因,即作者自身的素质表现,如能力、性格、爱好等完全适合该职。介绍自我表现要有条理性,所以一二三不能少,因为听众是根据演讲者的自我陈述来判定该投票选谁,这也关系到演讲者能否竞选成功。同时,要注意把客观陈述和主观评论结合起来,因为这样能更好地引导听众的想法和判断,也能更好地表现演讲者的自信并增加互动。此外,演讲中一般都要谈假如竞选成功的打算,而这也是在场即将投票的听众们最关心的.实质性问题。所以,一定要有较切实的行动打算。当然,演讲者前面所做的一切努力都是为了争取作为听众的同学们手中的选票,所以别忘了写期待对方能投自己一票。作后,演讲者应表态,表示自己将屡行承诺,不负众望。演讲词一般以道谢告终。


其一,演讲词较偏重口语体,但又与完全通俗的口语体不尽相同。更确切地说,演讲词应亦状亦谐,雅俗共赏。因为太通俗,演讲词就缺少文采,缺乏感召力,不足以表现演讲者的才华;太文诌诌,演讲就非常呆板,没生气,很教条,缺乏亲和力。因此,选词时要注意词语的正式程度。一些口语化过重的词,如well, yeah, gonna, wanna, gotta, alas, O.K ,all right, Good, 都不大适宜使用。


其三,演讲要有亲和力,不要让人有演讲者在背书之感。要做到这一点,除了演讲者本人要训练有素,要有高超的演讲技巧外,演讲词写作中还应注意人称和语态的使用。一般而言,演讲词应较多运用第一和第二人称,少用或不用第三人称,以增加演讲的对话性和亲和力。同时,演讲词应多用主动语态,少用或不用被动语态及It is +adj./done +that 从句的无人称句,因为被动句和无人称句过分强调客观性,往往让人感觉太正式,太没人情味。

其四,演讲词尤其是竞选演说词应具有极大的感召力和鼓动性。因此,竞选演说词写作时应注意语气礼貌客套,但不卑不亢,自信练达,但不狂妄孤傲。所以在演讲中宜多用褒义词,少用中性词和贬义词。此外,要注意在文中应不止一次提及对方(如上面例文中My dear friend),这样便可加强演讲色彩,也有助于演讲者提请听众提高注意力。演讲中为达到感召力和鼓动性,还往往运用一些特定句式,如祈使句、感叹句、反意疑问句、设问句、排比句、强调句等。