国内英语新闻:Chinese coast guard cruis英语作文

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国内英语新闻:Chinese coast guard cruis英语作文

BEIJING, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- China has recently sent two coast guard ships to enforce fisheries law on the high seas of the North Pacific Ocean, according to the China Coast Guard (CCG).

The 31-day patrol, covering around 74,000 square nautical miles with a cumulative range of over 11,000 nautical miles, was aimed at implementing international conventions and agreements and jointly safeguarding the production of fisheries in the region, the CCG said.

While at sea, the Chinese coast guard ships learned information about fishing vessels operating on the seas of the North Pacific Ocean, including their catch and main operating modes.

The CCG has sent ships to the region since July 20xx when the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fisheries Resources in the North Pacific Ocean took effect.

The CCG said it will continue such law enforcement missions in the future to crack down on illegal fishing.