



fully comprehensive insurance 全险

third-party insurance 第三者伤亡保险

life insurance 人身险

accident insurance 事故险

insurance against theft 防盗窃险

no-claims bonus 因未申报而扣除的保险赔偿


to lose control of one's vehicle 车辆失控

to skid 打滑

to turn over 翻车

to hit, to crash into, to run into 撞

to crash, to collide 碰撞

not to give way 不让路

overtaking on the inside 超车

drunken driving 酒后开车

hit-and-run accident 事故后驾车逃逸

blood test 血迹


signals 信号(总称)

traffic signs, roadsigns 道路标志信号

hand signals 手示信号

no right turn 禁止右转弯

no U-turns 禁止掉头

traffic lights 红绿灯,交通指挥灯

red light 红色圆形标志牌

flashing amber 闪光指示器

stop 停车

right of way 可通行

to give way 让路,让行

horn 喇叭

lights 灯光

headlights 大灯

headlights on full beam 远光灯

dipped headlights 会车灯,近光灯

to dip one's headlights 关闭远光灯开启近光灯

sidelights 位置灯,边灯

direction indicator, indicator 方向指示器

safety belt, seat belt 保险带

breathalyser 酒精测定计

alcohol level 酒精指标

damage 损伤

withdrawal of one's driving licence 吊销驾驶执照


subway 行人地下通道

underpass 汽车地下通道

level crossing 平交路口

manned level crossing 有警察的`平交路口

unmannedlevel crossing 无警察的平交路口

pedestrian crossing 行人交叉路

pothole, hole 坑洼

gravel 砂砾

right-hand bend 右转弯

left-hand bend 左转弯

blind bend 急弯

Z bend, double bend Z形转弯

dangerous bend, hairpin bend 险弯

road narrows 路面狭窄

brow of a hill 斜坡

road works 道路工程

diversion 支岔

slippery road surface 防滑路面


motorway 高速公路 (美作:freeway,superhighway)

A road, arterial road 国有公路,一级公路 (美作:arterial highway)

B road, secondary road 二级公路

slip road 高速公路会交点

fork 岔道

crossroads, intersection, junction, cloverleaf junction 立交桥

side of the road, side of the verge, hard shoulder 隔离墩

one-way street 单行线

no entry 禁止通行

no parking 禁止停车

roundabout 街心转盘

traffic island refuge 交通安全岛

car park 停车场 (美作:parking lot)

traffic, vehicular traffic 交通


traffic 交通

rush hour 高峰时间

traffic jam 交通堵塞

traffic police 交通警

traffic policeman 交通警察

road user 道路使用者

highway code 交通法规

pedestrian 行人

private car 私人汽车

utility car 公共车辆

commercial vehicle 商用车

lorry 卡车 (美作:truck)

van 厢式货车