
导语:托福口语的Task 3是一个很容易丢分的环节,下面YJBYS小编分享2017托福口语Task3不丢分对策,欢迎参考!


在Task 3当中,考生一定要找到的六个点包括:变化、两个原因、对话中主角的态度和两个原因,缺一不可。



  1.1 阅读信号词

学校变化:Decide / Announce / Consider / Will / Plan

学生倡议:Suggest / Think / propose

时间状语:Currently / Traditionally / For the past few years / Nowadays

  1.2 听力信号句



I don't like the plan.

It's ridiculous.

I don't think it will work.

Are they serious?

The university is making a mistake.

I don't think it's a good idea.

It's a terrible idea.

I don't think what she proposes will do much good.

What's on earth is the university thinking?

I wish they wouldn't do this.


It is a great idea!

It's the thing to do.

I'm all for it.

It'll work.


下面我会用TPO21当中的Task 3来做一个例题的讲解。

  2.1 读什么

TPO21这道题目我们从Reading Passage当中找到了三个我们需要的点,包括变化和两个原因。首先我们先来看一下我们可以从阅读文章当中找到哪些信息:

CHANGE(Proposal or decision):Send all students daily e-mail containing information about campus events and activities.


the information up-do-date

2.A logical change that will benefit everyone

  2.2 听什么



TWO REASONS1.A reminder of the activities and events that could avoid the students from forgetting what they have read days before & the cancellation can be informed to the students

st everyone check their emails at least once a day

  2.3 范例答案


The university decided to send all students daily e-mail to inform them campus events and activities (新政策) in order to ensure the information is really up to date (第一个原因) and it will work since everyone relies on email everyday (第二个原因).

The woman agrees with the new policy because of two reasons. (学生的态度是同意) For one thing, everyday email would be much better than weekly newspaper, which can be regarded as a reminder of the activities and events that could avoid the students from forgetting what they have read days before. Furthermore, the cancellation can be informed to the students so that they would not waste their time showing up (第一个原因). As almost everyone check emails at least once a day, the plan will does work perfectly! (第二个原因)