



physical health/body health

physical fitness

mental health/ psychological health

2、家庭和教育 (92年沟通,03年温室花朵,05年养老足球赛)

family education/parental education

parental guidance

take care of the aged/the elderly people

support …

the growth of a kid/child from his childhood to adulthood


positive energy/ concern 关心,关注 care关心,照顾 care about sb 关心

those in need 弱势群体

the weak and infirm 老弱病残

the disabled /handicapped /physical challenged person

He is learning at his own pace.

He is an under-achiever(后进生).

hold/start charity(慈善,慈善机构,善心) sales


We are to start charity sales next weekend to assist those kids who live in rural areas and drop out for financial/economic reason in going back to school.







(现实中大家热议XX话题。大家对此有不同的声音,但我…)In reality, the subject about +N/doing sth has long been a buzz in network community, the public as well as the media. Though a variety of voices can be heard,

I totally oppose that+句子/ (2005年——people turn a blind eye to their aging parents)

I cannot agree more with you .

I can not oppose more against +N/I totally agree that+ 句子/ (2001爱心: love would brighten darkness/ love would cast light to the dark and brighten it. Where love would be, it will light up gloom)

I highly recommend that we should discourage people from doing sth (97吸烟—— discourage people, especially the youth, from smoking)

I can not agree more with the point that/ ( people are easily addicted to smoking and we should discourage them from doing that.)


(图片反映的现象在快速发展中国各地区屡见不鲜,因此,这值得所有人的关注)In fact, the phenomenon reflected/mirrored by the cartoon typically occurs in many parts/regions of China, which are developing with breakneck speed, therefore, so it merits special attention from all walks of life.