


1 旅游景点 tourist attractions/tourist spots/places of interest

开阔眼界 push back/expand ones vision/horizons

游客与当地人的互动 tourists can interact with the locals

促进文化交流 promote cultural communication

吸引 draw/attract/appeal to /be a magnet for somebody

亲身体验 first-hand experience

多种感官体验的 multi-sensory

相互了解 mutual understanding

2 把游客和当地人隔离 seclude/isolate the tourist from the locals

商业化 commercialise/commodity

欺骗游客的手段 tourist traps

冲突 conflict

争端(n) discord/dissension

间接体验(如通过电视或互联网n) srcond-hand experience/vicarience experience

文化遗产 cultural heritage

互联网不会让旅游业过时 the Internet will not render tourism obsolete