


  Gentlemen / Ladies:

We are manufacturers of environment-friendly1) hybrid cars and we are looking for a company to represent us in your country. We are writing to you as you are one of the largest and most influential sales agents of specialized cars in China and we hope there might be some mutually beneficial business opportunities available.

Since the inception2) of our company in 1984 we have marketed3) our cars only in Japan. However, now that we are confident4) that our cars are internationally competitive5) in terms of6) both price and quality, we have decided to promote them overseas starting in China. We would be most grateful to know if you might be interested in handling our line of cars.

So that you can learn more about our company and our cars, we have enclosed our latest catalog. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Very truly yours,





  Useful Sentences

1. We are looking for a company to act as our agent in the U.S.


2. We have established some good business connections with leading Japanese chemical companies.


3. We have every confidence in our products.


4. We believe that our products are competitive both in price and quality.


5. We believe this is a golden opportunity for investment.


Useful Words & Expressions

1. environment-friendly a. 环境污染极小的

2. inception n. (=beginning) 开始,开端,起初

3. market vt. (=sell) (在市场上)销售

4. confident a. 确信的;有信心的,自信的

★ We are confident in marketing your products.


5. competitive a. 竞争的;竞争性的

★ compete vi. 竞争,对抗

★ competition n. 竞赛,角逐

★ competitive edge 竞争优势