




He entitled the book Savage Love.

他给这本书取名为《野性的爱》。His job promised to anchor his wildness

他的职业可望控制他的.野性。The race that is oppressed shall prevail in the end, for it will resist the savagery of the invaders.

种族压迫最终会盛行,因为它会抵抗侵略者的野性。 His revel in a country life, and muddy wildness in it, amused Latitia from morning to night.

他对乡村生活的狂喜以及在这种狂喜中的紊乱的野性,使利蒂霞从早到晚感到愉快。 The savage we had tamed was still rampant in him.

我们身上已经驯服了的野性在他身上却仍然难以控制。"I once read a book called the call of the wild, but that 's beside the question. "

我曾读过一本书,叫《野性的呼唤》,不过这与本题无关。His revel in a country life, and muddy wildness in it, amused Latitia from morning to night

他对乡村生活的狂喜以及在这种狂喜中的紊乱的野性,使利蒂霞从早到晚感到愉快。Without and beyond, the world lay in darkness, ignorance, and savagery.

在外面和较远的一边,世界处于黑暗、无知和野性中。Most stone relief pictures were carved horizontally to provide a sense of movement that has great vigor and power.

以横向分布为主,造型的运动感极强,具有蓬勃的野性和生机,风格豪放古拙,泼辣有力,恢宏而博大。The House of Romulus shall dread the Boar's savagery, and the end of the Boar will be shrouded in mystery.


n. 野性,原始状态,野蛮人

Without and beyond, the world lay in darkness, ignorance, and savagery.

在外面和较远的一边,世界处于黑暗、无知和野性中。The race that is oppressed shall prevail in the end, for it will resist the savagery of the invaders.

种族压迫最终会盛行,因为它会抵抗侵略者的野性。 One of a band of ancient Norse warriors legendary for their savagery and reckless frenzy in battle.

狂暴战士,暴汉一群古斯堪的纳维亚斗士,传说他们在战斗中野蛮且异常狂暴such perfidy and pride, envy and ambition, homicide and murder, cruelty and savagery, lawlessness and lust

这般背叛与骄傲、忌妒与野心、屠戮与谋杀、残忍与野蛮、违法与贪婪The House of Romulus shall dread the Boar's savagery, and the end of the Boar will be shrouded in mystery.
