




an inexorable will

不可动摇的意志Strong will,belief, determination

坚强的意志、信念、决心Eleanor was brusque and firm and businesslike.

埃莉诺态度粗暴,意志坚定、办事认真。He represented a people who had prevailed by unremitting tenacity.

他代表一个以坚韧不拔的意志取胜的民族。Occupation does not give them the right to impose their will on the Iranian people.

占领军没有权力将他们的.意志强加于伊朗人民。A figure of speech, of course, but a woman weeping seven days and nights erodes the will.

当然,这只不过是说说,可是一个女人哭上七天七夜,不由你意志不受腐蚀。Then doubts and fears did assail the very strongest.

那时,疑惑和恐惧的确困扰过意志最坚强的人。To the libertarian and the hard-determinist, such a distinction is unintelligible

对意志自由论者和刚性决定论者来说,这样的区别是难以理解的。…a religion in which sexual love was regarded as at its best a frailty and at its worst damnation

在那种宗教里,两性之爱,往顶好里说,是一种意志不坚强的表现,往顶坏里说,就是一种应该下地狱的罪过。I know that sounds tough, but as I said, if you're not tough inside, the world will always push you around anyway.


v. 用意志力使;遗赠;意欲,决心要

n. 意志;目的;意愿;决心;意图;遗嘱;威尔(男子名)