


chief principal cardinal main


Every tree is known by its own fruit

观其言行,知其为人Every tree is known by its own fruit

观其言行,知其为人A bosom friend [pal]

知[密]友Anxious to know

亟欲知之Generate affection through cognition

以知促情A straw shows which way the wind blows.

草动知风向/见微知著。For details, dial hotline

欲知详情,请拨热线He is knowledgeable about the biology of the honeybee.

他对蜜蜂的生活规律知之甚多。The other well-known regenerative process is citrate process

另一种广为人知的再生法是柠檬酸法。The liver was costal margin. There was slight petting edema over Both legs.


n. 首领;酋长;族长

adj. 为首的;主要的,首要的

He is nominated as police chief.

他被任命为警察局局长。 He is the chief support of the cause.

他是这一事业的主要支持者。That money was their chief motivation.


adj. 最重要的;首要的';资本的;本金的

n. 首长;负责人;校长;院长;主角;资本;本金;委托人,当事人;主犯

principal debtor

主债务人 There is a shortage of principal.

资金有些短缺。headmaster/headmistress; principal

中、小学校长 cardinal是什么意思:

adj. 主要的,基本的;深红色的

n. 红衣主教;基数

This is a matter of cardinal significance.

这是件非常重要的事。He was made a cardinal.

他成了一位红衣主教。Celebrated by a bishop,cardinal,etc