


It was mostly he who talked and he seemed afraid to stop for fear shed ask him to leave her by herself.

An example of a verbal subtest would be vocabulary, whereas an example of a performance subtest would be picture arrangement, the latter requiring an examinee to arrange a set of pictures into a sequence so that they tell a comprehensible story.

A body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion remain in motion at a constant speed in a straight line, unless acted upon by an external force.


要点:这是一个由and 连接的并列复合句。And前面的句子是强调句,强调的成分是仅位先行代词,没有意义。Mostly 用作副词,意为多半。 For fear(that)= in order thatshould not happen意为生怕,以免。例如:I darent tell you what he did , for fear that he should be angry with me.(我不敢将他的.事告诉你,怕他因此对我发脾气)。To leave her by herself相当于to leave her alone.


要点:本句由whereas 连接在一起的两个分句并列而成。the latter requiring an examinee to arrange a set of pictures into a sequence so that they tell a comprehensible story.是现在分词独立主格结构;the latter是现在分词 requiring的逻辑主语:the latter指的是 an example of a performance subtest . so that they tell a comprehensible story 是so that 引导的目的状语从句;其中主语they指的是:a set of pictures