


to reduce; to lessen; to narrow; to shrink


v. 缩减,减小;简化;将…还原;节食;降职

be reduced to (a) pulp

变成浆状,成纸浆 [软块] They held a sale to reduce their inventory.

他们降价出售库存货物。To reduce in rank;demote.

使降职,使…降级 lessen是什么意思:

v. 缩小;减少,减轻

To lessen the oppressiveness,trouble,or severity of.

减轻…的.负担、麻烦或严重性These measures can't help to lessen the existing tension.

这些措施不能帮助缓和现在的紧张局势。When it is on the boil——we lessen the fire and scum.

当汤滚了之后,我们把火减小然后剽除汤里的浮渣。 narrow是什么意思:

adj. 狭窄的;狭隘的,有局限的;勉强的;贫乏的;仔细的;刻板的

n. 狭窄部分;峡谷,隘路

v. 变窄;使有局限;缩小;缩减

narrow majority

勉强的多数 narrow opinions.

刻板的观念 The doctor narrowed his interest.